Wednesday, August 10, 2011

10 weeks packed into 1 post

I am so sorry! I have not posted in 10 weeks! I have been that busy with school and we may be finally closing on our house!! I am finished with school this week so hopefully I can keep proper updates on how baby Anschutz is doing :)

I am currently 26 weeks along (well I will be tomorrow). I am 1 week away from being in the 3rd trimester! The baby currently is about 13 inches long and weighs about 1 1/2 pounds. It's lungs are producing surfactant (needed to inflate the lungs after birth)  and it's skin is producing melanin (skin pigment).  The baby moves around a lot right now! It even likes to kick the dog off my belly :) We also had our 20 week ultrasound and I thought I would share that the baby is a...... is a.... is a baby :) we are not finding out the gender :) Even if we wanted to know the baby had it's legs crossed and a smile on it's little face! I am posting a picture of that that awesome smile  :) Until next week... not the next 10!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Weeks 15 and 16

Sorry! I have been so busy with school, weddings, and other important life situations! Baby hasn't really done much. Except.... I can feel it moving around in there!! It tickles so bad sometimes that it makes me laugh out loud! It's about 5 inches long and almost 4 ounces and it can hear me for a fact! We also had another doctor appointment and the heart rate was 150 :) and it was really loud and the doctor was very pleased!

Me on the other hand... I am stressed out with school and other things. On top of all that stress my hips hurt! It's not just a ooo ouch that hurts... it's a OMG I can't get out of bed or sit in a chair or walk because my HIPS HURT! Hurt! Lol... but I guess it's normal and it gets worse... woot .... not!

In 5 weeks I will have actual pictures of the baby! I am very excited to see what it looks like!

Odd ball thing about the baby... it apparently knows when  daddy is around. Whenever Daniel is around it starts doing cartwheels and other acrobatic tricks that make me want to stand up and dance because it tickles!

Until next time!

                                                                      16 week Fetus

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

14 Weeks

Well, my first week in trimester two was great! (Baby baking wise) (had a death in the family this week) The baby is rocking and rolling inside there! It's about 3.5 inches long and growing like a weed, putting on about 1/2 inch every week and it weighs about 1.5 oz.

I can feel the top of my fundus (uterus) very clearly now. I am also strictly wearing maternity clothing because everything is getting smaller. Good news is y weight gain is on track and I am not gaining too much too fast, even though I eat cheesecake at least once a week now! :) It still hurts to sneeze and cough and stretch but that's to be expected! I realized this week I have only 6 weeks (that I am sure will fly by) until the half way point!?! I also get my next ultrasound then!!!

                                                                  14 week old fetus

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

13 weeks and counting

The baby is now a monkey! It is covered in small hairs called lanugo. It also have it's sense of taste and smell! The little monkey is about 3 inches long...the size of a medium shrimp. I should feel movement anytime in the next 4-6 weeks :)!!!

I was feeling sick this past week. No fever...just very upset stomach unless I ate something I was craving it came back up shortly after it went down. Not fun.

On another note we have most of the baby items we need! We have a crib, matress, swing, vibrating bouncy seat, pack n play, baby tummy time mat, and clothing ranging from 0-18 months (we about 40-60 outfits I went a little crazy!). The last few items we need are bed sheets, breast pump, boppy pillow, milk storage bottles, and bottles. So, we are feeling very good and feeling very prepared for this little one.

I am getting very excited because I should start visibly showing to other people soon! I have gained 2 inches in my waist...I am pretty it's just the baby pushing my fat up but I like to think it's all baby! :) I have gained 3 pounds but the doctor is very pleased with my 3 pound weight gain. She said it's normal.

Things that are not so normal are my cravings. Daniel and I ate at skyline chili earlier this evening and the sour cream on top of my burrito (only a tablespoon or so) was the best part. I ate it by itself. So strange.

The baby also enjoys cheesecake,



iced cookies,


fried eggs,

tomato sauce,

and ham sandwiches.(heated of course) :)

I also enjoy pickles and ice cream but not together! :) So, all in all trimester one was good. I am excited to feel our baby move and I can't wait until I know our baby can hear us tell it how much we love our little cookie monster/dino/baby/crazy strange kid/ pickle loving angel/ our precious gift that makes us feel more and more fulfilled each day! :)

                                                                        13 week fetus

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Go Baby Go!

Yesterday we went to the doctor. We waited for what seemed like years in the little exam room. Finally the doctor appeared! She was in green scrubs and maroon croc mary jane's... strange outfit but I liked it! :)

She started with the routine... how are you feeling.... here's what we are going to do.... then she gave us the warning.  "Now we are going to try to listen to the heartbeat. The baby is still really small and we might not be able to find it right away so please don't panic! If we can't find it then we will look at it on the ultrasound...ok?"...

What was I going to say not acceptable you must find the 3 inch child swimming around my pelvic area right away?... Well after she made me lay down (and put the icky feeling gel crap on my pelvis) I understood what she was warning me about.

I was looking at my husband who had his eyes fixated on the doctor moving the magic wand on my belly... and there was some strange crackling noises.... then I heard a heartbeat... doctor says, "nope that's yours"... then my heart began to race.. where is the baby... is there still a baby?.... more loud crackling..... ooo another heartbeat.... nope just mine... snap... crackle... pop.... sweating palms.... racing heart rate.... thoughts swirling... then .... lupp dupp lupp dupp... it was so fast... "That's it!" exclaimed the doctor!

Daniel's eyes widened as we listened very quietly to the sound of our baby's heart fluttering at a strong pace. The doctor said it's sounds good and it sounds strong. I was exstaic with joy and shouted out, "Go, baby, go!" Then the doctor stated, "Yeah...go, baby, go!"

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

12 weeks

OMG! It's almost over! Trimester one that is. :) The little one is now 2 inches long. The baby is also practicing breathing and is still drinking it's our waste... ewww... but at least it is sterile. It also has finally put on some weight! It now weighs .5 oz! I go to the doctor on friday and I will be able to hear the heart beat for the first time!

I can also feel where the baby is now. (my uterus is no longer hiding behind my pelvic bone) and it's getting harder to sleep in a comfortable position. I think I will able to manage it though. My only concern is the heat. I am already hot enough, add some extra hot weather and I am just baking! So, after this week it will be my last in trimester 1.... meaning the baby will only be 27 weeks away from arrival.... that's only 27 Fridays!!! I will update after my 13 week appointment on Friday!

                                                                      12 week fetus

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

11 weeks

The little one is the size of a plum! 1 1/2 inch for those of you who don't have a plum on hand! :) The baby now likes to play a game called explore my own face! They enjoy this game because their nervous system is now intact and they can "feel" and they can "react"! The baby can also swallow the amniotic fluid and yes it's that gross out week.... they pee out what they drink and then they drink out what they pee... ewwww... but it's sterile so it's ok :)! Lastly, the baby can now smell a little... not sure what amniotic fluid within a uterus smells like but I am sure they enjoy since it's all they can smell for sometime!

 I am feeling pretty good. I have been in some pain with the stretching and it can be very uncomfortable at times, but it's really not too bad.

Daniel and I registered this week at Target and Babies R us. I am referring to them as the "needs" (target) and the "wants" (babies r us). I had no idea what kind of fun baby gadgets and cute little items are out there. My mom also bought me my first mother's day gift. A crib, mattress, nursing cover, and thermometer for the baby :)! It was very generous of her to that. I can't wait until it's closer to set up the nursery. We decided on Dr. Seuss theme!!! Daniel and I are both Dr. Seuss fans and we even had a gift of Dr. Seuss books given to us so we can read them to the baby!

We would also like to annouce names for those who do not know. If it's a boy his name will be : Honor Daniel. If it's a girl her name will be : Lillian Mae. Honor is the name of one of Daniel's great grandfathers and Mae is the name of my Grandmother.

Until next week. Here is a picture of what the little one is looking like around this time!

                                                                    11 week fetus

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

10 weeks

Our little one is almost an inch and a half long now! Wow! At this point the Doctor can use a doppler and pick up the tiny fluttering of our baby's heartbeat! (this will possibly be done at our next appointment in 3 weeks.) It's tiny head is still bigger than it's tiny body but all the major organs are in place they just need to mature.

I am still feeling okay. Minus the fact that everytime I cough or sneeze I have this unbearable sharp pain where my abdomnial muscles have relaxed.. Also, I am getting car sick when other people drive only... and I can feel my lower belly beginning to really stretch for the baby to grow. All of these are not hard to deal with nor am I complaining. I am very excited to feel these things because it let's me know my body is doing what it is suppose to do.

I also want everyone to know this week is National Infertility Week and I am asking you pray for a friend of mine from nursing school who has been dealing with infertility for the past few years and pray they can get pregnant and stay pregnant. Thanks! Until next week!

                                                                     10 week old fetus

Thursday, April 21, 2011

9 Weeks

It's official there is a baby in there! I had my first appointment and my first ultrasound that I got to see the baby! It was waving it's little foot/flipper at us. You even see the heartbeat... it was sooo cool! We are scheduled to go back in May when we will hopefully the hear the heartbeat! The Doctor said everything looks great so we went ahead and told everyone! Very excited!

Friday, April 8, 2011

8 weeks

Wow! I have 1 whole inch of baby in me!!!! My little one is growing so fast! It's tail (spine) is almost gone and it's eyelids are almost fully complete. The major systems have been created they just need some fine tuning and the lungs still need to develop. I found out something kind of gross... the baby's kidneys begin to work this week ... meaning they will begin to pee this week... ewwww! But that is a part of life.. I guess.... I think I will be more grossed out the week they start drinking the amniotic fluid that they peed in lol.

I am still not sick but I am having a hard time sleeping; I am getting up 2-4 times a night then struggling to get comfortable. I am also having strong food aversions. Some days I don't even want food or to think about food. I also get an idea of one single food from a single source (ie. mashed potatoes from Boston Market) and if it's the same food but not from the right source then it makes me sick just thinking about eating it. I read this should only last until the placenta takes over the hormone control. I am also moody so prayer for my husband since he gets the most of it. But he treats me good even when I am being absurd and unkind sometimes. He's going to be a great daddy!

I have my first OBGYN appointment in 1 week! I am very excited because from what I read I should get my first ultrasound picture and I will get to see the heartbeat!!

Until next week! Here's a 8 week old embryo. (Last week as an embryo next week it will be a fetus!)

                                                                            8 weeks

Friday, April 1, 2011

7 weeks

Hooray!!! Made it to 7 weeks!!! This week hiccups can be observed! The heart is now 4 chambered and beats approximately 162 times a minute! This week the eyelids start a period of rapid growth and once they are completely formed the baby will have it's eyes closed for a while. The baby can also move it's legs now! It's a little over half an inch long!

     I am feeling fine minus the food aversions and bloating. I keep drinking water and I feel like I am just retaining any kind of fluid. I haven't been eating more or else and yet I've gained weight... grrrrr... I am already big as it is but I don't want to gain a bunch of weight because I am pregnant. I know I will gain some but I want it to be all baby. I am hoping it's just water weight. I read that water is retained during the 1st trimester so here's hoping!

       On a lighter note.. the baby hates tacos! I had a crunchy taco last night and nearly threw it all up because it tasted so nasty. Tacos never taste nasty to I am blaming my new found hate for tacos on the kid being in there lol! Alright, I will continue to keep everyone updated! Have a good week!

                                                                         7 week Embryo

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The 7 hour ER visit.

Last night after having a relaxing evening at home I decided to take a shower and go to bed. During my shower I felt fine. After the shower all hell broke loose. I used the restroom and to my surprise I was bleeding. Bright red blood. I yelled for Daniel told him I was bleeding and we both got dressed in a hurry and ran off to the hospital.

   They took me to a triage room immediately. That's when the waiting game began. We were in that room for 2 hours. Finally, they took us back to a room. The PA came in shortly after they got me situated. He did an exam and had them draw some blood and contacted radiology for me to have an ultrasound.

       The blood draw was easy. I have only a tiny bruise where the very nice lady took my blood. When they came to get me for the ultrasound I was really upset because Daniel couldn't go with me. We get in the room and the lady then tells me I cannot look at the screen and by law she cannot tell me anything about the scans. The scans were very uncomfortable and unpleasant and stressful.

      After she took me back to my room we began the waiting game again. We were there for another 2 hours waiting on results. All of a sudden this guy comes in my room and says they have to move me to the main ER. I was scared because I didn't understand why I was being moved. I could have sworn something was wrong. I thought I was losing the baby and that I was going to have to have a D & C done. I get into my new room and the DR. came in sand gave me the news.

     The baby was fine!!! It is confirmed I have a baby in there!

The baby had a heartbeat and was as big as a 6 week old baby should be!!

The bleeding was caused by the placenta burrowing it's way deeper into the lining. I guess this was "spotting" and it was normal. As long as I am not excessively bleeding then I am ok. So, for now I am safe, the baby is safe and my poor Husband is sleeping because he was up for more than 24 hours.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

6 Weeks and Counting

I am currently 6 weeks and 2 days pregnant with our little miracle. This week the little one's nose and mouth are forming as well as webbed fingers and toes! It's still only 1/2 inch big. But it's bones are forming more rapidly now and they will harden later. The yolk sac is gone and the liver has taken over red blood cell production and circulation! At 6 weeks and 6 days the baby will have it's first reflex! If "it" (the baby) touches it's mouth it will move it's head back since it's neck is also growing this week!! Very exciting!

     I am feeling fine. I don't have any morning sickness. I am sleepy all the time though. I have been taking naps in the middle of day and going to bed early. I am also hungry but nothing sounds good, ever. I just kind of eat because I know I need too. I still crave water because I feel like I can't get enough of the good clear stuff! My feet have begun to swell if I am on them too long. I thought it would be to early for this to be happening to me. I looked it up and found out that they swell because of my body needing more fluids due to increased circulation. This increase in circulation causes the extra fluids to be forced into spaces where it doesn't belong causing edema and pain. So, I am propping my feet up every chance I get to keep the edema to a minimum and decrease the pain I feel in the evening. I am also trying to drink more water which can help decrease the edema.    

     On a money saving note we actually have a few baby things now. Big baby things! We recieved a baby swing from a friend, we bought a pack n play for $3.98 (we had gift cards and a coupon) and a car seat/stroller combo (saved change and a gift card). The last big items we need are a crib, crib mattress, and a rocking chair for feeding.

     I have been thinking about a nursery design. Since Daniel and I don't want to know the sex of the baby we are trying to stick with greens and yellows. I saw a star pattern I liked and I kind of like the jungle theme. I have also found a new love for giraffes and monkeys. I'm not sure but I don't think it's that important either. I think I will get more into it when I start nesting. I don't even know if we want to set up a full nursery at all. I bet we will end up putting one together though because I know how I am!

                                                                       Baby at 6 weeks

Monday, March 21, 2011

5 Weeks

The baby is currently 1/2 inch long. It has arm buds and leg buds. It still has a tail. However it's eyes begin to form this week and by Friday it's little heart will beat 80 times a minute!

           I on the other hand am having a rough time. I have mood swings that are completely irrational and I have to pee all the time and I am thirsty all the time! I am having a hard time sleeping on my stomach as well. I have always been a tummy sleeper and now I am a half side/half tummy sleeper! :)

        I am also getting exhausted during the day, so I take a nap. Then I don't want to go to sleep until 11pm or midnight and I wake myself up at 3am to use the restroom and at 5am to use the restroom and then I am wide awake by 8:30am. I really shouldn't be complaining about any of this right now.

      There are woman out there that would kill to go through this. So, am I uncomfortable? Yes! Am I happy about it? Oh, God Yes!

                                                                    5 week belly shot!
                                                 5 week old embryo ( not a fetus until 9 weeks)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

March 8, 2011

           I had been feeling funny for a few days prior to March 8, 2011. This funny feeling was so strange. I was very emotional. I was crying over every little thing! I knew something was not right. But what on earth could it be?
       Was it something I ate? No. Was I getting sick? No. What on earth was wrong with me! I kept thinking of things that could possibly be wrong with me. Nothing came to mind. Then I googled my symptoms

     As soon as I typed in my symptoms a long list of "Pregnancy Symptoms" appeared.  I couldn't believe that I may actually be pregnant!?!

       We had a scare in January. We thought we might have been pregnant so we bought some pregnancy tests to make sure. We still had 1 under the sink. It was 11pm on March 7, 2011. I went to the bathroom and took the home pregnancy test. After 1 minute a very faint blue + sign appeared in the test window!?! I couldn't believe it! I went to the drug store down the street and bought another batch of tests.

       I took one test at 1am on March 8, 2011. It was faintly positive! I took another one at 7:30am on March 8, 2011 and it was even darker than the first two tests! I was still in disbelief!

     I ran into our bedroom and told Daniel that we had made a baby! He came and looked at the tests I had taken and he couldn't believe that he was seeing those faint pink lines either! So we bought a digital test!

      Sure enough even the digital test after 1 minute read "Pregnant".  So, I think it is safe to say we are going to have a baby!

                                           The Digital Pregnancy Test!


We have news! Stay Tuned!