Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The 7 hour ER visit.

Last night after having a relaxing evening at home I decided to take a shower and go to bed. During my shower I felt fine. After the shower all hell broke loose. I used the restroom and to my surprise I was bleeding. Bright red blood. I yelled for Daniel told him I was bleeding and we both got dressed in a hurry and ran off to the hospital.

   They took me to a triage room immediately. That's when the waiting game began. We were in that room for 2 hours. Finally, they took us back to a room. The PA came in shortly after they got me situated. He did an exam and had them draw some blood and contacted radiology for me to have an ultrasound.

       The blood draw was easy. I have only a tiny bruise where the very nice lady took my blood. When they came to get me for the ultrasound I was really upset because Daniel couldn't go with me. We get in the room and the lady then tells me I cannot look at the screen and by law she cannot tell me anything about the scans. The scans were very uncomfortable and unpleasant and stressful.

      After she took me back to my room we began the waiting game again. We were there for another 2 hours waiting on results. All of a sudden this guy comes in my room and says they have to move me to the main ER. I was scared because I didn't understand why I was being moved. I could have sworn something was wrong. I thought I was losing the baby and that I was going to have to have a D & C done. I get into my new room and the DR. came in sand gave me the news.

     The baby was fine!!! It is confirmed I have a baby in there!

The baby had a heartbeat and was as big as a 6 week old baby should be!!

The bleeding was caused by the placenta burrowing it's way deeper into the lining. I guess this was "spotting" and it was normal. As long as I am not excessively bleeding then I am ok. So, for now I am safe, the baby is safe and my poor Husband is sleeping because he was up for more than 24 hours.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

6 Weeks and Counting

I am currently 6 weeks and 2 days pregnant with our little miracle. This week the little one's nose and mouth are forming as well as webbed fingers and toes! It's still only 1/2 inch big. But it's bones are forming more rapidly now and they will harden later. The yolk sac is gone and the liver has taken over red blood cell production and circulation! At 6 weeks and 6 days the baby will have it's first reflex! If "it" (the baby) touches it's mouth it will move it's head back since it's neck is also growing this week!! Very exciting!

     I am feeling fine. I don't have any morning sickness. I am sleepy all the time though. I have been taking naps in the middle of day and going to bed early. I am also hungry but nothing sounds good, ever. I just kind of eat because I know I need too. I still crave water because I feel like I can't get enough of the good clear stuff! My feet have begun to swell if I am on them too long. I thought it would be to early for this to be happening to me. I looked it up and found out that they swell because of my body needing more fluids due to increased circulation. This increase in circulation causes the extra fluids to be forced into spaces where it doesn't belong causing edema and pain. So, I am propping my feet up every chance I get to keep the edema to a minimum and decrease the pain I feel in the evening. I am also trying to drink more water which can help decrease the edema.    

     On a money saving note we actually have a few baby things now. Big baby things! We recieved a baby swing from a friend, we bought a pack n play for $3.98 (we had gift cards and a coupon) and a car seat/stroller combo (saved change and a gift card). The last big items we need are a crib, crib mattress, and a rocking chair for feeding.

     I have been thinking about a nursery design. Since Daniel and I don't want to know the sex of the baby we are trying to stick with greens and yellows. I saw a star pattern I liked and I kind of like the jungle theme. I have also found a new love for giraffes and monkeys. I'm not sure but I don't think it's that important either. I think I will get more into it when I start nesting. I don't even know if we want to set up a full nursery at all. I bet we will end up putting one together though because I know how I am!

                                                                       Baby at 6 weeks

Monday, March 21, 2011

5 Weeks

The baby is currently 1/2 inch long. It has arm buds and leg buds. It still has a tail. However it's eyes begin to form this week and by Friday it's little heart will beat 80 times a minute!

           I on the other hand am having a rough time. I have mood swings that are completely irrational and I have to pee all the time and I am thirsty all the time! I am having a hard time sleeping on my stomach as well. I have always been a tummy sleeper and now I am a half side/half tummy sleeper! :)

        I am also getting exhausted during the day, so I take a nap. Then I don't want to go to sleep until 11pm or midnight and I wake myself up at 3am to use the restroom and at 5am to use the restroom and then I am wide awake by 8:30am. I really shouldn't be complaining about any of this right now.

      There are woman out there that would kill to go through this. So, am I uncomfortable? Yes! Am I happy about it? Oh, God Yes!

                                                                    5 week belly shot!
                                                 5 week old embryo ( not a fetus until 9 weeks)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

March 8, 2011

           I had been feeling funny for a few days prior to March 8, 2011. This funny feeling was so strange. I was very emotional. I was crying over every little thing! I knew something was not right. But what on earth could it be?
       Was it something I ate? No. Was I getting sick? No. What on earth was wrong with me! I kept thinking of things that could possibly be wrong with me. Nothing came to mind. Then I googled my symptoms

     As soon as I typed in my symptoms a long list of "Pregnancy Symptoms" appeared.  I couldn't believe that I may actually be pregnant!?!

       We had a scare in January. We thought we might have been pregnant so we bought some pregnancy tests to make sure. We still had 1 under the sink. It was 11pm on March 7, 2011. I went to the bathroom and took the home pregnancy test. After 1 minute a very faint blue + sign appeared in the test window!?! I couldn't believe it! I went to the drug store down the street and bought another batch of tests.

       I took one test at 1am on March 8, 2011. It was faintly positive! I took another one at 7:30am on March 8, 2011 and it was even darker than the first two tests! I was still in disbelief!

     I ran into our bedroom and told Daniel that we had made a baby! He came and looked at the tests I had taken and he couldn't believe that he was seeing those faint pink lines either! So we bought a digital test!

      Sure enough even the digital test after 1 minute read "Pregnant".  So, I think it is safe to say we are going to have a baby!

                                           The Digital Pregnancy Test!


We have news! Stay Tuned!